Monday, 20 December 2021

I would definitely

I would definitely wear your legs around me like a necklace

I would definitely drink you up until nothing else drips

I would definitely make my tongue dry while you get wet

I would definitely convert minutes into hours

I would definitely loose myself between each hair

I would definitely swim in those pearly eyes

I would definitely reset time

I would definitely 

I would

Monday, 13 December 2021



They are scary

They are something to think about

To ponder

To review on your own

I have changed many times

They all have

The biggest one?

Miles away

Thousands of miles

And still, I see changes here 

At this time now I’m still thinking about changes

I’m a loon still 

Fun loon that is

A loon that can change how he moves and swirls and thrusts, but the same one underneath

I’m willing to change every time

Can you positively say that you have? 

I’m my mind you can, make sure you do