Monday, 23 September 2013


La vida lleva a veces un sombrero de copa, y es por lo "magica" que se presenta. Pensamos que aun no pueden suceder eventos inesperados, pero estan a la vuelta de la esquina. Siempre he sabido como hacer lo que no crees, crear ilusiones, idear mundos distintos, siempre se como escabullirme entre las hendiduras que crees dejar. Es facil. Siempre lo ha sido. ¿Y piensas que el mundo es una ostra? Dificilmente lo es. Al menos para ti (en cuanto al personaje en cuestion, respecta). Manejamos realidades distintas que se enredan al final en una gigantesca, absurda e intrincada telaraña "magica".

¿Pero, existe la magia?

Existe aún. Pero ya no es hechizo, ni brujeria, es solo la sensación de esta en trance.
¿"Ihmotep"?... Nah, eso es de Hollywood, ahí si hay magia, segun dicen...
Es más como caminar con una idea que esta en el cerebelo, que se asoma con algunas puestas de sol, que guiña un ojo con algunas canciones y que pellizca mis sentimientos con nuevas noticias.

Abracadabra para ti.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

A Cast of Someones

Destiny is just a maid that has been confused with someone who gives a damn

Death can only be presented as a rap musician with the "bling blings" and the stardom

Hope did a number on Broadway, Hugh Jackman danced with her... it was horrible

Sadness is a tubby guy with a magnifying glass looking to burn 'roaches

Desperation was an old man who had a plastic surgery, these days he likes to be called Life

Terror is little girl with a Popsicle on one hand and a little dog tied to her hand

Freedom has a paralysis from the waist down and usually drools when talking too much

Lust is a man on an Armani suit who gets promoted, way too soon

Fear wears a dressed, even though it's a man, but thinks otherwise, and also likes to tango

Joy used to live in Canada, had two twins and achieved nothing in life, then he moved away, alone

Wrath was with a band, a Pop band actually, but Rolling Stone said they were somewhat rock-ish

Will is a friend of a friend, who did his homework on a sitting, but confused Maths with Literature

Greed is a fanboy, a dude disguised as Han Solo, who, while wearing a vest and everything, stared

Guilt comes from Scotland, wears a kilt and lives with his mom, but is dating a really gorgeous girl though

And who the hell are you?...